Sher Shah Suri's name was Farid Khan. He Aeijvada (Hoshiarpur 1472 AD) was generated by his father Hasan Afghan wife. His father Hassan was landlord of Sasaram in Bihar. The Lions defeated Humayun Khan 'Tyre' Pathan leader of the clan was named. The 'Sher Shah "was the name of the king. He was made the capital to Agra. Against anti-Hindu policy of the sultans of Delhi Hindwoan he adopted a policy of friendship. Which helped her to a sound governance. Dewan and his commander was a Hindu leader, whose name Hemu (Hemachandra) was. His army was the number of Hindu heroes. He make peace in the state efforts to make people happy and prosperous. He managed the safety of travelers and traders. Satisfactory arrangements to recover rent and Malgujhari. He was the first king, who Ssonagaँa Bengal Sindh River was built two thousand mile long causeway. Posts by bringing the street riders - take - was a provision. With his decree perso were in Nagari characters.Malikamuhammed Zaysi, Badaँjonee angel and the rule of Sher Shah's big praise. Badaँjonee wrote -Punjab to Bengal, and the Malwa to Agra on the road with fruit trees for shade on either side were fitted. Cursing - Cursing at an inn, a mosque and was built Kuँc. A mullah at the mosque was going to give a reward and nescience. Making meals for poor travelers Hindu and Muslim servant. "This system of management was that all null Asharfiyoan Buddha went to the tray on hand and where even had there been Zay. Of thieves or robbers do not dare look at him to fill the eye '.
Sher Shah ruled could only 5 years. He and his ability in the short time management - skills coin was deposited. May 22, the year in 1545, the siege of the fortress of Kalinzar Barudkhane fire to his premature death was. [Edit] Sher Shah of Tyre construction
Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun made king. It works the streets, mosques, etc. to be made Sarayaoan and famous. He was the first Muslim ruler who best traffic system and safety of passengers and traders managed satisfactorily. He Ssonagaँa from Bengal to the Indus river in Punjab, Rajasthan and Malwa to Agra paved roads were built. The shady side streets and fruit trees were planted, and place - the place inn, mosques and wells were built. Brjmondal Chaumuhaँ the umbrella of the village inn village inn and the inner part are created by same. Delhi city shelter he had built, which today there's "Red Door" is. Delhi Old Fort 'built by the same are considered.1539 AD Sher Khan defeated Humayun in the battle of Chausa the title of Sher Shah took. 1540 AD Sher Shah who defeated Humayun again sitting on the throne. Sher Shah's June 10, 1540 Agra was the proper coronation. Then the conquered Lahore in 1540 AD. Khan and Khan Habh Khvasa later conquered the whole Punjab. Sher Shah the Afghan Empire in India II eventually re-established. History, it 'Survansh' is known. While sitting on the throne, Sher Shah had been 68 years and 5 years after the government handle died in May 1545 AD.